Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pregnancy Symptoms...Ohhhh Boy!

Throughout my reading and "refreshing" myself of what exactly pregnancy consists of...I have found a list of symptoms that I should 'expect' during this process:
-Sore breasts from increased blood flow - not really...
-Cramps due to implantation of the fetus - only mild so far
-Nausea - which affects 85% of pregnant women...but so far has not bared its ugly head!
-Bloating- have been having this on and off - with a puffy stomach making its grand appearance
-Peeing from increased HcG levels - which I now am peeing about every hour on the hour...I feel like one of those incontinence commercials!
-Cravings - not yet!
-Headaches - thankfully no!
-Constipation because your digestive system starts to slow down. Luckily, none of this! 
- Mood swings - I don't think I have had this - but Clay may argue otherwise ;)
-FATIGUE --> this is the symptom I have experienced the most...and by experienced, I mean TENFOLD...everyday this week when I have come home I am wiped out, taking multiple naps on the couch...thankfully Clay has been super supportive and takes care of the dog while I am in deep slumber. 

However, I hit an all time low when last night I fell asleep 3 DIFFERENT TIMES during the Avengers 3D. This movie was the definition of "action-packed" - loud, bright, and non-stop fighting. Still I spread out and nodded off (despite Clay elbowing me in the ribs on multiple occasions). Hopefully this will improve! Until then, ZZzzzzzzzzzz :)

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