Monday, May 28, 2012

Memorial Day Mayhem

After a fun weekend home for the Arcario-Mroz Wedding..I finally got to celebrate IN PERSON with my parents about this special little bean growing inside of me...and even better, they also got to meet our pup, Hominy :). 
It was a very action-packed weekend - with events everyday. But now that Clay and I finally have gotten home, time for an update!

Clay and I right before his Bday Dinner at Husk

@ the Arcario Wedding 

How far along?  7 weeks 1 day 
Total weight gain/loss?  Weights staying pretty much the same
Maternity clothes?  Nope 
Stretch marks? No way jose
Sleep? All the time....Literally, if I am capable of laying down for a 10 minute nap - I will do it! This weekend we had the rehearsal dinner, a meet-and-greet, and the wedding - all which royally kicked my butt! Anytime Clay couldn't find me - I was squeezing in a much needed power nap. 
Best moment last week? Spending time with the fam. It was so great to see my parents and just bask in a much needed vacation from work. Besides wedding festivities, we spent several days out by the pool with all the dogs (Sophie + Shamus + Hominy), Clay and I took a long bike ride, and we even had a yummy breakfast of blueberry waffles. All in all, great weekend!
Movement? None that I can tell.
Food cravings?  Yes - cupcakes (all the time!)
Gender? Still think it's going to be a girl.
Labor signs? 7+ months to go!
Belly button in/out? Innie
What I miss: Enjoying a cold beer on a hot day, having food actually taste 'good' (instead of just eating so I don't feel queasy), and being able to stay up past 10 o'clock!
What I am looking forward to: Enjoying another week with my parents - when they come to visit this week for the Spoleto Festival 
Milestones: Clay starting to realize that there is a living, growing person inside of me (even if he/she is only the size of a blueberry!)

Monday, May 21, 2012


How far along?  6 weeks 1 day 
Total weight gain/loss?  Still nada
Maternity clothes?  Nope - too early
Stretch marks? Nopers
Sleep?  My sleep schedule is.....I sleep any minute I can ;). Power naps have become my best friend - and it's close to impossible for me to get up in the morning. 
Best moment last week? Reading "The Pregnancy Bible"....It's so exciting to find out what is occurring at each stage. For example, right now the lil poppyseed is growing eyelids, hands, feet!!! (and looking less and less like an alien!)
Movement? Not yet - only stomach growling "Feed me"
Food cravings?  Yes - banana pudding with whipped cream and vanilla wafers! 
Gender? I have this gut feeling it's a girl....Clay still hopes for a boy :)
Labor signs? Nine more months
Belly button in/out? Innie
What I miss: Feeling like I could go to work, go to the gym, eat dinner, play with the dog - and not feel like I could barely keep my eyes open!
What I am looking forward to: Seeing my parents this weekend - and celebrating in person! 
Milestones: Clay and I brainstorming names just for fun :)

Clay's 29th Birthday 

and only a few hours later....He's adopting my napping schedule!

Friday, May 18, 2012

Sampling a Mocktail...or Two!

This evening has been wild and crazy.....Clay and I first stopped by a fun happy hour downtown, then bar crawled to 5 different spots on East Bay, danced the night away at a OKu, and now are making our way to Butcher and Bee for late night eats!

Okkkkkkkkkk....if you want to know the real truth......I'm absolutely spent from a long week! This little poppyseed is draining every ounce of my energy and makes me perpetually hungry! when I got home today around 6, I instantly found my sweet spot on the couch, put on some comfy sweats, and ate yummy leftover Chinese. 

I realize this isn't that exciting  -but when Clay decided to whip up some "mocktails" for me and we put on an exciting season finale of "Whale Wars" was actually not too bad of a night! Don't get me wrong, I am looking forward to post-first trimester, when my energy is back up..and even post-pregnancy, where I can enjoy a fun night out of dinner and drinks....but for now, hunkering down with my hubby and puppy for a relaxing night in, ain't too shabby :)

Sunday, May 13, 2012

1st Mother's Day...Kinda ;)

Well today is Mother's Day! So of course, first thing this morning, Clay and I had to call our moms and wish them the sweetest of I'm sure putting up with us for the past quarter century was not always flowers and gum drops!

After our phone chats, Clay and I spent most of the day cleaning up the house and running errands since it was pretty gloomy and rainy out. However, to my surprise, Clay sneakily went out and picked up some beautiful flowers for me - with a wonderful card addressed to "the Mother of Poppy". (We didn't want to call the baby "it" - and we don't know the gender - so we have come up with the name of "poppy", because the baby is only the size of a poppy seed.)

Below I've included the card Clay gave me...I thought it was pretty funny (and VERY true!) Also a "pre" picture of me at 5 weeks...then I can see how big this baby bump gets by the end!

5 weeks

As you can see, Clay has joined me in taking daily naps as well!

Pregnancy Questionsss

A few questions I found on a pregnancy blog that I think will be helpful to keep track of as I go along :)

How far along?  5 weeks exactly 
Total weight gain/loss?  Nothing yet!
Maternity clothes?  Nope - too early
Stretch marks? No way jose!
Sleep?  My sleep schedule is so so. Lately I have been so tired - that I come home, instantly take a power nap, then try to get to bed by a reasonable hour (10 or so). On the weekends, when I should be catching up, miss Hominy wakes me up with whimpering and  multiple "Feeeeeed meeee" whining. So still working on this...
Best moment last week? Getting to share the news with my parents and my brother. They were all SO excited! My dad has called me everyday to "see how I'm feeling" and my brother informed me that he would be the "crazy cool" uncle :) 
Movement? Not yet - the lil one is only the size of a sesame seed!
Food cravings?  Nope - I am actually trying to change my diet and eat lots more veggiessss/fruitssss and much more water! I have also stopped drinking alcohol, caffeine, and eating so many sweets! [Last weekend's Cinco de Mayo was my last hoorah for awhile!]
Gender? Can't wait to find out!
Labor signs? Nine more months :)
Belly button in/out? Innie
What I miss: Feeling like I had more energy!
What I am looking forward to: My first OBGYN appointment - and getting to see the heartbeat on the ultrasound. Also being able to finally tell all my friends...this wait is killing me!
Milestones: None this week. I did take 3 extra pregnancy tests (just to make absolutely sure!)

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Pregnancy Symptoms...Ohhhh Boy!

Throughout my reading and "refreshing" myself of what exactly pregnancy consists of...I have found a list of symptoms that I should 'expect' during this process:
-Sore breasts from increased blood flow - not really...
-Cramps due to implantation of the fetus - only mild so far
-Nausea - which affects 85% of pregnant women...but so far has not bared its ugly head!
-Bloating- have been having this on and off - with a puffy stomach making its grand appearance
-Peeing from increased HcG levels - which I now am peeing about every hour on the hour...I feel like one of those incontinence commercials!
-Cravings - not yet!
-Headaches - thankfully no!
-Constipation because your digestive system starts to slow down. Luckily, none of this! 
- Mood swings - I don't think I have had this - but Clay may argue otherwise ;)
-FATIGUE --> this is the symptom I have experienced the most...and by experienced, I mean TENFOLD...everyday this week when I have come home I am wiped out, taking multiple naps on the couch...thankfully Clay has been super supportive and takes care of the dog while I am in deep slumber. 

However, I hit an all time low when last night I fell asleep 3 DIFFERENT TIMES during the Avengers 3D. This movie was the definition of "action-packed" - loud, bright, and non-stop fighting. Still I spread out and nodded off (despite Clay elbowing me in the ribs on multiple occasions). Hopefully this will improve! Until then, ZZzzzzzzzzzz :)

Wednesday, May 9, 2012

Due Date Discovery

Your due date: Sun, January 13th ,2013

Well by using the multiple 'due date' calendars online ...I have discovered I am due the second week of January!!! AND 4 weeks pregnant :) ...only 36 to go!

But the neat tidbit of this is:
1) I will be in my 3rd trimester in the WINTER...thank god!!! No summer Charleston heat while being the size of a killer whale...
2) If the baby comes early...which tends to happen with the 1st (from what I've read)...he/she could be a NEW YEAR'S BABY! 
3) Last but not least, I get to wear big coats and jackets to keep my ever-expanding belly under wraps :)

Ooooo Hominy Bominy...

So this evening, feeling slightly sluggish (really the only sign I can tell I'm preggers thus far...) Clay was feeling in the "baby spirit" and decided we should watch multiple documentaries on babies and being pregnant. Yes, he is a keeper :)

However, the best part of the whole evening was watching Hominy "watching" the baby movies. She couldn't keep her eyes off of the set! (especially when the babies started crying...that will be an adjustment!) Here are a few pics above of this hilarious-ness.

Monday, May 7, 2012

Holy Moly we are PREGNANT!!!

Well I have started this part to let all my wonderful friends and family about our new "little" (literally) secret :) and in part to have an outlet for expressing all the ups and downs this pregnancy will have to offer in the next 9 months! 
We are SO FLIPPING EXCITED! ...and even that is an understatement!
Additionally, I know Clay is already sick of me talking ...more like, repeatedly stating "O my gosh..o my gosh..o my gosh..what do we do now???" 

So our voyage begins...We have determined today that the baby is actually the size of a "poppyseed". Can you imagine? 

More exciting posts to follow. Can't wait in 8 weeks to be able to start telling the news!!